Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Tolquhon Gallery Spring Exhibition

And delighted that Tolquhon Gallery will have two or three of my paintings in their spring exhibition opening on Sunday 3rd March.
Now I am out for a walk with Maybelle and Mattie.

Hedgerow Art and Alchemy 26th and 27th April

Lovely workshop with Judy Patterson (herbalist;) - For a second workshop which will include walking along the lane next to the river Don, drawing, sketching, brewing and delving into the hedgerow herbs and medicinal flora that we find along the way.

Spring Sunshine

February is just drawing to a close and some of the pictures that were on their way to show at Touched By Scotland in November are due to be picked up to return home at the end of this week.
I have driven to Kent and back delivering work to RSA on the way for the RSW open submission.  Glad and relieved that one will be showing when the exhibition opens tomorrow.