Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Things To Look Forward To....

The year starts with just one or two key events in place. A Creative week in Plockton in May and tutoring two short courses at West Dean College near Chichester in September. Now the year is half way gone. Plockton gave some lovely surprises in that the area had even more to offer than we expected. The seal watch boat trip was an informative and delightful hour of entertainment which rippled into the rest of the week and in spite of near constant rain, we managed walking and sketching and mingling and eating and meeting new people and listening to music... It was a full on week.

Then I had a commission to fulfil which entailed driving to near Oxford and painting a large picture of a vast view of the hills near Lambourn... It was a lovely trip shared with Angie who co drove from Scotland. We stopped over at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park on the way .. and will do so again. It will sustain many visits.

In August (17th 18th and 19th) I am taking a stall at the Aberdeen Art Fair with Paul Richie. My work will also be on view with the Furniture makers which will be a most appropriate placement for some large drawings of woodland, forest and forestry that I am undertaking.

West Dean follows in September and will mean that I miss attending NEOS for the first time since we started. But my Studio will be open and some of my work on show. Maybe Phil can rig up a Susie hologram for me. Gabi and Phil and Magnhild and Arne and Aubin and the new Chairlady - Morag: will be there to meet and greet and put on a good exhibition. Not sure I can bear to miss it...

At the end of September is The Kent Painters Group Annual Exhbition which is held at Sevenoaks School, in Kent - Some very good artists exhibiting, all profits to go to charity. Very happy to be invited and to show with them again.

The next event is at Touched By Scotland for Christmas show opening November 9th. Among the artists will be Jenny Burgess who works with fabrics creating patchwork and applique covers, curtains and wall pieces.

That seems like enough to be going on with ...