Monday, 31 October 2011

Creative Week - Plockton - May 2012

Aspiring Painters and Writers come together at Plockton from 12th - 19th May 2012. You are invited to join Chris Forsey, Susie Hunt and Catriona Miller who are on hand to guide the painters, but also to collaborate with the writers, led by Roddy Phillips. The idea is to have joint exercises that will test the painting and the written skills and to have the opportunity for the different creative disciplines to problem share and banter.
We hope that non painting or writing partners will be also enjoy the week There are fine Monroe's all around for those who wish for a more hearty activity, walking of course and Sea Kayaks and Canoes for hire.
We are arranging a Seal Watch boat trip and have use of the village hall for inclement weather and meeting together.
Contact Susie Hunt for more details.